

Learning new words is very important to make your English enhanced. More and more words you know more and more you can speak. At least, you should know 1500 vocabularies to speak enough English sentences in your daily routine life.
        i.            Able: (a person who can do something). Example: I’m able to speak English after a hard work.


      ii.            Act: (To perform an action). Example: We should act like really human beings.

    iii.            Afraid: (to have a fear of something or someone). Example: I’m afraid of English Grammar.

   iv.            Again: (To repeat something after completing something). Example: You have to do your home work again.

     v.            Agreed: (to have satisfaction with something). Example: I’m agreed that English learning is an important thing to get a good career.

   vi.            Air: (a mixture of some gases which is present in the atmosphere and necessary for living). Example: There is always air in the room.

 vii.            Allow: (to give permission to something or someone). Example: Allow me to introduce myself to you.

viii.            Alone: (to be only or oneself). Example: I’m feeling alone today because no one likes me today.

    ix.            Along: (to move in a constant direction with something or someone). Example: The car is moving along the road.

      x.            Already: (Before the time). Example: I already have such a good English skills.

    xi.            Always: (on all occasions or repeatedly). Example: I always want to be a good speaker.

  xii.            Among: (to be in a group). Example: I spend my time among some big TV stars.

xiii.            Appear: (give a specified impression). Example: We’ll appear in the IELTS test tomorrow.

xiv.            Around: (Located on each and every side). Example: Around my house children play cricket.

 xv.            Away: (to go far from something or someone). Example: go away from here.


xvi.            Bad: (Something that is not good). Example: saying cursing words is a bad thing.
xvii.            Beat: (to defeat someone). Example: I beat everyone in arm wrestling.

xviii.            Beautiful: (something or someone that if we see it we feel it’s pretty). Example: These flowers are beautiful.

xix.            Become: (to develop into or be accepted as). Example: These plants will become tree someday.

  xx.            Before: (During the period of time preceding). Example: I talk to him before I went to bath.

xxi.            Begin: (to start something). Example: I have to begin learning English.

xxii.            Behind: (at the back side of something). Example: My friend is standing behind me.

xxiii.            Believe: (to feel sure about something). Example: If you really want to be a good English speaker then you must have to believe in yourself.

xxiv.            Belong: (to have a relation with something or someone or be a member of). Example: I belong to a khan family.

xxv.            Below: (at a lower than something or someone). Example: The red book is below the blue book.

xxvi.            Best: (It’s an adjective of the most excellent). Example: The best thing about English is it’s spoken in all over the world.

xxvii.            Better: (Something that is more desirable). Example: My friend is better cricketer than me.

              Yellow book
              Red Book
Text Box:               Blue bookBetween: (In the middle of something). Example: The red book is in the between of blue and yellow book. Like this:

xxix.            Birds: (animals, having feathers and many of them can fly). Example: The birds can fly in the Sky.

xxx.            Born: (existing, as a result of birth). Example: I was born in 1997.

xxxi.            Boy: (a male under age 20 or 22). Example: Mostly, boys wear jeans and shirt.

xxxii.            Branches: (parts of the tree come out from the trunk). Example: Breaking branches is easier than tree.

xxxiii.            Inconvenience    (to make things difficult for others)
Example: I hope, I didn't make this inconvenience for you Ahsan.

xxxiv.            Sore throat   (your throat is hurting): Example: I have been having sore throat since morning.

xxxv.            Running nose (water coming out from your nose). Example: My nose is running continuously.

xxxvi.            Blown away: (to be surprised or amazed in a positive way.)
Example: Peter blew me away with his knowledge of cars.

xxxvii.            Strength-to-strength (you're doing well or you are going from good to better.) or you could say you're improving day after day.
Example: Your English has improved so much; you are just going from strength to strength.

xxxviii.        Insisted (verb) (Demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal. or Demand forcefully to have or do something). Example: she insisted on answers.

xxxix.            Yell (Verb): (Shouting very loudly after experiencing something danger)

XL.      Flabbergasted (To be shocked or surprised because of something)
Example 1: Mary was flabbergasted when her colleague put in her resignation.

Xli.     Appease (Verb) (to satisfy or calm someone by giving into their demands.)
Example 1: The most awaited big budget film of the year didn't appease the audience because of its poor story line.

xlii.    Skeptical (to be in a doubt about something or unwilling to believe something)

Example 1: They say that apple cleans your teeth, but I'm skeptical, I doubt it's true.

Xlii.     Impeccable (Something that is perfect or without any fault or error)
Example 1: My grandfather had always been admired for his impeccable style of dressing.

xiv.      Profusely (Adverb) (To do something in excess or overdoing something)
Note: profusely describes action of doing something

Example 01: While taking Lucifer to the hospital, he was bleeding profusely.

xv.      Admonish (Verb) (to scold or strongly warn someone.)
Example 01: Shimon was admonished by her teacher for cheating in her final exams.

xvi.     Nostalgic (adjective): The word nostalgic basically means to be sentimental and cherish the good times in the past. Examples:
Example 01: When Samantha was at the cafe with her ex-colleagues, she felt nostalgic while speaking about their happy and fun days at work.

Example 02: Peter felt extremely nostalgic while listening to old romantic songs; it reminded him of his good old days with his girlfriend.

Xvii.      Cajole (verb): to persuade to something to do something that they really don’t want to do. Like if someone doesn’t want to go for a riding with you then you persuade him/her to go with you. This is called cajole and remember it’s a verb.
Example: After a serious health warning given by the doctor, Maria finally cajoled her father to stop smoking.

                       Idioms and phrases

        i.            Beat around the bush: (not being direct in saying something or not stating exactly what do you mean). Example: Don’t beat around the bush James, come to the point.

      ii.            The hassle: (A situation that causes problem for you or a lot of trouble that annoys you.). Example: It was a hassle for me when my neighbor starts arguing at a very cheap sandal.

    iii.            To go haywire: (When your things stop working properly). Example: My mobile phone went haywire, when my niece was playing games on it.

   iv.            Pep talk: (a short conversation with someone to encourage him/her so that they can do their work better). Example: I had a pep talk with my student for making her confidence enhanced and she performs well in the IELTS test.

     v.            Jump on the bandwagon: (to do similar things what other are doing or to follow the trend)
   vi.            Example: John doesn't have any original ideas. He just jumps on the bandwagon and does what everyone else is doing.

 vii.            Back to square one (idiom): (You have to stop, and start from the beginning, means you have to start something again from the beginning).
Example 1: I was going to start a new company next month, but I’m back to square one now, the bank refused me a business loan.
Example 2: The architect was back to square one after her designs were rejected by the municipal corporation, for violating environmental norms.

viii.            A fool's paradise (idiom): (to be happy based on false hope or expectation, that will never be fulfilled.) Ram is confident that he will get a big salary raise this year but knowing the company's financial health, I think he's living in a fool's paradise.
    ix.            Peter always lived in fool’s paradise thinking, one day Maria will marry him.

      x.            Arduous (Adjective): (To do something that requires great physical or mental effort)
Example 01: After a late Saturday night party, cooking on a Sunday morning seems arduous.

Xi.       To go haywire (to become things uncontrollable or to stop working properly.)
Example: My CD player goes haywire every time my neighbor uses his cordless phone.

Xii.      Chew the fat (idiom) (To have long and causal chat with someone.)
Examples: We sometimes talk at night, and he chews the fat.

           Xiii.       To open a can of worms (idiom) (to get in a difficult situation or a very big     problem)

          Example 1: I won't ask about Maria’s divorce status, i would be opening a can of worms for myself.

xiv.       Butterflies in your stomach (idiom) (To feel nervous or to feel tickled in the stomach before doing something)

Example 01: Before going on the roller coaster, I had butterflies in my stomach, as I had never experienced it before.

xv.         Sought-after (Adjective) (Sometimes there is a great desire for certain things due to their growing trend or due to the benefits you get from them.)
(The word sought-after, basically means, something that is in great demand or something that is desired by the people.)
Example 01: Fairness creams are the most sought-after cosmetic products, you find them in every store.

Xvi.         To get even (idiom) (The idiom 'get even', basically means to do something equally bad to someone who has done badly to you. It also means to take revenge or punish someone who did something wrong to you.)
Examples: 1 Mike wants to get even with Peter for taking over his project while he was on a vacation.

2. India wants to get even with Australia after losing two consecutive matches, to retain the number position in test cricket.

Xvii.         A bolt from the blue (idiom) (The idiom a bolt from the blue basically means, to feel surprised due to something that you never expected.)
Example 01: The news of John's heart attack was a bolt from the blue to all his colleagues, as he was in his late thirties.

Example 02: Peter's detention in his first year of medical college, came as a bolt from the blue to be parents, they were completely shattered.

xviii.      Penny wise pound foolish (idiom) the idiom 'penny wise and pound foolish' basically means to save a little money, only to
Lose a greater amount due to your own foolishness.
Example 01: A penny wise and pound foolish Mike bought himself an expensive tuxedo suit even though he didn't need it, but is still thinking whether to buy a much needed pair of shoes.

Example 02: Jennifer was penny wise and pound foolish as she bought cheaper vegetables at a whole sale price, only to be thrown as they were spoilt.

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